

Fall 2018

Proposes:  A pilot program in fourteen high schools to include in each one special school counselor to work with ISD administration, certified therapists, mental health and social service professionals, and law enforcement authorities. The counselor would work with students who require specific attention to ease and relax tension.

Life Skills Introduction

Karina Alanis

 Jazmin Hinojosa  

Jaylyn Treviño  

We met at a convenience store near La Grulla High School one week before the start of 2018-19 school year.

Written at the moment by Karina during the visit in which the term Life Skills Counselor emerged.

Double sided card used by STYC members to promote safety and healthy schools.

Why not?

June 2018

Why didn’t you tell someone at school? I was in a daze said Jimmy. I didn’t even finish my lunch he told his sister. I didn’t know what to do, who to tell. All I know is that he makes me feel unease and I am afraid he is going to do something stupid.

You know he is always saying weird things, she said. I know but you should’ve seen the spooky crazed look in eyes, said Jimmy tossing a load of clothes in the washer.

This particular scene might be fiction. What is certain is that it happens. Who does a student go to who'll take the time to really listen?

Someone to talk to, an adult who is trained to listen and thelp.

Life Skills 

South Texas Youth Congress and the iCharla Podcast Show are initiatives of the Dream Forward Foundation.

IRS 501(c)3 organization operating in Texas.

Copyright ©  2024 Dream Forward Foundation. All rights reserved.